validate_tabular ---------------- **Validate tabular AIRR data** Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ ``validate_tabular`` validates compliance of the contents of a ``data.frame`` to the AIRR standards. Usage ~~~~~ :: validate_tabular(data, schema) :: validate_rearrangement(data) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ data ``data.frame`` of tabular data to validate. schema ``Schema`` object defining the data standard of the table. Value ~~~~~ Returns ``TRUE`` if the input ``data`` is compliant and ``FALSE`` if not. Details ~~~~~~~ ``validate_rearrangement`` validates the standards compliance of AIRR Rearrangement data stored in a ``data.frame`` Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code:: r # Get path to the rearrangement-example file file <- system.file("extdata", "rearrangement-example.tsv.gz", package="airr") # Load data file df <- read_rearrangement(file) .. code:: r # Validate a data.frame against the Rearrangement schema validate_rearrangement(df) :: [1] TRUE