.. _MiAIRR_Elements: ====================== MiAIRR Data Elements ====================== The AIRR Community has agreed to six high-level data sets that will guide the publication, curation and sharing of AIRR-Seq data and metadata: Study and subject, sample collection, sample processing and sequencing, raw sequences, processing of sequence data, and processed AIRR sequences. :download:`Download as TSV <../_downloads/AIRR_Minimal_Standard_Data_Elements.tsv>`. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 1 3 3 3 6 4 * - Set / Subset - Designation / Field - Type / Format - Level - Definition - Example {%- for field in MiAIRR_schema %} * - **{{ field.Set }}** / {{ field.Subset }} - {{ field.Designation }} |br| ``{{ field.Name }}`` - {{ field.Type }} |br| *{{ field.Format }}* - {{ field.Level }} - {{ field.Definition | trim }} - {{ field.Example | trim }} {%- endfor %}