.. _AlignmentSchema: Alignment Schema (Experimental) =============================== An Alignment is the output from a V(D)J assignment process for a single V, D, J, or C gene for a sequence. It is not necessary that the V(D)J assignment process performs a sequence alignment algorithm, as the schema can support any algorithmic process. Multiple Alignment records are supported and expected for a single sequence with context-dependent fields (``score``, ``identity``, ``support``, ``rank``) for assessing the quality of assignments that can vary considerably in definition based on the methodology used. Note, this schema definition is still experimental and should not be considered final. File Format Specification ------------------------------ The :ref:`format specification ` describes the file format and details on how to structure this data. Fields ------------------------------- :download:`Download as TSV <../_downloads/Alignment.tsv>` .. list-table:: :widths: 20, 15, 15, 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Attributes - Definition {%- for field in Alignment_schema %} * - ``{{ field.Name }}`` - {{ field.Type }} - {{ field.Attributes }} - {{ field.Definition | trim }} {%- endfor %}